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Just about every road user is familiar with road works and of course the associated traffic jams and travel time losses. All the more important is easily accessible, up-to-date and comprehensive road works information, so road users can allow for delays or choose alternative routes.

An important quality feature of such road works information is its consistency and comparability across different data sources. Road works information in particular involves a wide range of players, authorities and responsibilities. The DATEX II road works profile (Download DATEX II Profile) has provided an important template for harmonizing the road works information offered by the MDM.

The proFund project (information here) has now thoroughly tested the handling of this profile by the various data providers: How readily available, complete and consistent is the road works information?

Based on the results of this test, proFUND now provides recommendations as well as a best practice example of how to make best use of the existing DATEX II road works profile. This support is ideal for all data providers who wish to simplify data entry using the DATEX II road works profile and provide users with a high level of user value.

Thanks to the proFUND project, data providers are thus given valuable assistance in entering construction site data. This makes it even easier for users to benefit from high-quality road works data.

The proFUND recommendation paper with best practice examples is now available as a file. Click here to download it.



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