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More Than 120 Experts Went into Discussion at the MDM Conference in June 2018

By 9. April 2019April 15th, 2019No Comments

Information and discussion at the MDM conference

On 18th and 19th June 2018 the Network Mobility Data took place in Berlin. Doers and thought leaders from all over Germany went into intense dialogue for two days.

Key points at this year’s conference

  • The mobility change, especially in urban areas
  • The new forms of mobility like Shared Mobility
  • The increasing significance of multimodality

At the centre of the conference were open workshop sessions. In line with the open space concept of the conference, all participants were asked to contribute their own questions and topics during the session.

The main topics of the open work shop sessions

  • The study on the future by the district of Munich ‘Mobility. Fulfilment. System. On the future of mobility 2025+’
  • Traffic data in municipalities
  • The National body for traffic data
  • New value chains in mobility 4.0
  • Big Data in mobility

During the concluding podium discussion, renowned experts discussed the opportunities and prospects of databased mobility solutions. Prof. Helmut Krcmar (TU Munich), Dr. Thomas Sauter-Servaes (ZHAW, Zurich) und Carmen Nowack (PTV Group, Karlsruhe) were among the guests.

We consider the conference and its open concept a success and reassurance

There are hardly any other dialogue forums in Germany allowing doers and thought leaders to engage in in-depth discussions on the role of mobility data. This is also pointed out by our participants time and time again. While other events try to lure you with big names and laser shows, with us you can engage in constructive exchanges and learn about practical issues.

Further reading suggestions for all participants and interested individuals

You can find short videos of the expert discussions and photos of the event on the conference website.

Picture credits: Brünig

Follow this link to the conference website

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