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MDM and the New mCLOUD: Two Platforms, One Strategy

By 9. April 2019April 15th, 2019No Comments

MDM and the New mCLOUD: Two Platforms, One Strategy

The MDM as ‘Single Point of Access’ according to the European IVS guideline is joined by the mCLOUD, a new BMVI data portal. What is the relationship between the two platforms?

What is the mCLOUD?

The mCloud is a new data portal of the Federal Ministry of Traffic and Digital Infrastructure (Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur(BMVI)) and was set up in May 2016. The wealth of data of the Ministry and its subordinate authorities, millions of mobility, geographical and weather data have thus been made available for research in one central place. The mCloud is a developing system that is also open to scientific and economic data.

Who is this new offer for?

The target groups for the mCLOUD are founders, start-ups, mobility service providers in particular, as well as scientists and authorities. Via the mCLOUD, access to data related to BMVI topics is fast, simple and free for users. The mCLOUD is thus a central platform supporting the mFUND, BMVI’s research funding programme promoting the development of digital business ideas.

What is the purpose of the mCLOUD?

BMVI plans to make the mCLOUD a central point of contact for fast, easy and free access to data on numerous areas regarding mobility. “Creative data abundance rather than data austerity”: Hence a further step towards open data aiming at turning Germany into the innovation leader for intelligent mobility.

What data is included?

The mCLOUD initially comprises information about data from mobility areas (streets, rail tracks, waterways, air traffic), weather and climate, as well as bodies of water. It contains among others (examples):

– Data from 1,700 counting stations of the Federal Highway Research Institute (road utilisation, traffic volume)
– ­Flood times and water levels along the German Bight
– Real time data on the water levels of the federal waterways
– Time series of more than 1,000 climate monitoring stations of the German Meteorological Service
– Train timetables of the Deutsche Bahn, including data on parking facilities at stations

What is next with the mCLOUD?

The mCLOUD’s
technology and contents are continuously developed. In the future, the mCLOUD is intended to provide stronger links between data users and data providers, e.g. by commenting on and discussing datasets or by presenting ideas that have been developed with the data as part of the mFUND.

What are the differences between mCLOUD and MDM?

is a research platform for open data on the business areas of BMVI.
Works similarly to a search engine: Searching and finding made easy.
Does not distribute data itself. Instead, the mCLOUD refers to data interfaces and download links of other providing organisations.
Provides currently no further technical solutions beyond the existing research facility.

is a neutral platform on which real time road traffic data is provided and exchanged by the public and private sector.
Takes the position of Germany’s national ‘Single Point of Access’ for road traffic data according to the European IVS guideline.
Provides defined service levels for data exchange and assumes data distribution to costumers.
Eases the organisational and technical burden of providers and users. For example, road authorities can thus provide their traffic data via a central platform without having to provide individual solutions for different customers.

What is the relationship between mCLOUD and MDM?

Both platforms are part of BMVI’s overall strategy to promote intelligent mobility in Germany.

While the mCLOUD constitutes a freely accessible open data portal for data research, the MDM offers its registered users advanced features for providing, subscribing to and exchanging online data.

mCLOUD and MDM will complement each other in the future: mCLOUD will more strongly emphasize MDM offers and the MDM-portal will point to data that is available via the mCLOUD.

Picture credits: kentoh/

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