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Integrated And intelligent: Navigating Through Stuttgart

By 23. July 2018April 16th, 2019No Comments

How can you achieve sustainable mobility with all its positive effects, like improved traffic flow and less pollution? Through model projects like NAVIGAR we can get closer to the solution. Public traffic management is intelligently linked with commercial navigation offers.

Projekt: Improved inter-connectivity of municipal traffic management and private navigation solutions

The model project NAVIGAR ‘Sustainable traffic control with integrated navigation in the Stuttgart area’ is part of the national action plan. Funding is provided by state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, the Stuttgart regional association and the capital Stuttgart. At its core, it seeks to improve the inter-connectivity of municipal traffic management to navigation solutions of private suppliers. So far, there has been little agreement leading to inconsistent information for traffic users.

The aim of NAVIGAR is to design and test the necessary data transfer. Municipal traffic control strategies are to be fed into navigation systems and provide sustainable mobility. It also supports establishing one regional traffic management. Expected benefits: Improved traffic flow, higher traffic efficiency, less noise and emissions, more traffic safety.

Traffic control centre Stuttgart city. Transmits: activated strategies for traffic management (switch signal controls, control systems, city-friendly routing, etc.)
MDM is the link enabling data transfer
Navigation supplier Garmin • processes traffic information • translates them into routings
In the future: traffic users • eceive consistent traffic information across all services • benefit from preventative strategies (prevention of traffic problems)

MDM contribution: Essential link between the providers

As part of the model project, the MDM has taken on an essential role as link between the Stuttgart traffic computer and the systems of the navigation provider Garmin. The Datex-II format was used for data transfer.

Implementation: Consistent information across all services

The first step was to link the integrated traffic management centre in Stuttgart [Integrierte Verkehrsleitzentrale Stuttgart (IVLZ)] with the Garmin navigation system. This connection between situational urban re-routing of traffic and the routing of the navigation supplier improves the information for transport users thanks to consistent traffic information across all services.
In case of traffic disruptions or programme switches of signalling equipment, an alternative route that is aligned with strategies of urban traffic management can be transmitted to transport users. At the same time, information about preventative strategies can be passed on. Ideally, traffic problems are thus avoided and city-compatible routing enabled.

For the second step, 16 different routing strategies of Stuttgart city were tested and evaluated for six months with around 300 test drivers. The effect of NAVIGAR was thus practically displayed and evaluated.

Benefit: Development to market readiness and potential application in other cities

The system test in the Stuttgart area was successful. The experiences gained have established a basis for developing the system to market readiness and make it available to other cities for the transmission of traffic strategies in the future. Further development of MDM´s consistent utilisation as data hub is envisaged for the near future.

Bildnachweis: Tomasz Zajda/

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