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Guide for Municipalities: How to Implement C-ITS Transport Systems

With a new guide, the OCA (Open Traffic Systems City Association e.V.) supports municipalities in successfully digitizing their traffic systems. The guide, “Guide to Implementing Municipal C-ITS Traffic Systems,” is now available for download.

What does the guide aim to achieve?

The aim is to promote dialog between cities and transport technology manufacturers to create a common understanding of how urban mobility of the future should be designed.

What topics are covered?

It is about the necessary upgrading of traffic signal systems, control systems and communication infrastructures, as well as the necessary improvement of internal city processes.

Which institutions are behind it?

The guide is the result of the project “System studies and preparation of specifications for the adaptation of traffic engineering infrastructure – DiKoVe”, which dealt with the digitization of municipal traffic systems. The project was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) as part of the “Clean Air 2017 -2020” emergency program.

Where is the guide available?

The OCA offers the guide as a free download on its website:




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