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About MDM

Germany’s Market Place

for Mobility Data

Whenever you aim to provide or find high quality mobility data in Germany, you can hardly get around the MDM. Why can we make this bold statement? As the National Access Point for mobility data, we are at the centre of all the action. We provide a neutral platform for exchange, where secure data and communication standards are applied. We provide transparent conditions and high data security. We offer you technical as well as organisational relief. It is best to see for yourself the advantages and possibilities you can gain with the MDM.

National Access Point for Mobility Data –

What Does That Mean?

The EU promotes the development of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) through a separate action plan, an ITS directive and corresponding Delegated Regulations (see link). These Delegated Regulations lay down that every EU member state is to have a National Access Point for mobility data. In Germany, the MDM takes up the role of such National Access Point.

The Delegated Regulations also define the role of a National Body which, among others, checks the compliance with the requirements of the Regulations and reports to the European Commission. Further information and contact details for the National Body in Germany can be found on a separate website (see link).

The MDM is continuously working to make as much mobility data as possible accessible, across different means of transport, network elements and actors. This includes mobility data that is offered parallelly on other data portals in Germany, e.g.,, Such parallel data offers will gradually be made visible on the MDM as well. Data seekers are also referred to these parallel data portals if they do not find the desired data on the MDM.

Simplification of the exchange of traffic data

One access point for data suppliers and data users.

Without central access point

With the MDM as national access point

MDM in Current Figures

data suppliers from the public sector and the private industry
data recipients
million delivered data packets per month
average latency period for data packets via the MDM-Broker (data-PUSH)

Benefitting from the MDM

Benefits for Road Operators

  • Improved traffic management through traffic data exchange with other road operators
  • Tangible relief due to little organisational effort
  • High transparency and security through secure standards
  • Wide data distribution in end user devices through easy access for service providers

Benefits for Companies and Research

  • Improved business opportunities through easy access to traffic data market
  • Novel research impulses through a wide range of and easily available data
  • High transparency and security through secure standards
  • Higher customer satisfaction through reliable information offer